Various Certifications, Accreditations, Registrations, and Cooperation

Below is an introduction to FEED ONE's various certifications, accreditations, registrations, and cooperation regarding sustainability.

Quality Assurance and Food Safety

The FEED ONE Group has acquired various certifications and accreditations as part of its commitment to quality and food safety, and to providing safe and secure feed and food products.

Feed Factories ISO22000
Affiliated Food Companies ISO22000 FSSC22000
Affiliated Farms Farm HACCP JGAP
The research facilities in our Quality Control Department ISO/IEC 17025 Certification No.70118
Affiliated Companies in Vietnam GLOBAL G.A.P.
Affiliated Companies in India BAP

SDGs related

Kanagawa SDGs Partners

“Kanagawa SDGs Partner” is a system under which Kanagawa Prefecture solicits, registers, and disseminates examples of initiatives by companies, organizations, etc. that are developing projects to promote the SDGs, and the prefecture and companies, etc. work together to promote the SDGs. We were registered in April 2020.

Kanagawa Prefecture Home Education Cooperation Business

This project aims to improve the educational capabilities of families and communities by having businesses that understand home education sign an agreement with the Kanagawa Prefectural Board of Education . We endorse this project and signed an agreement with the Kanagawa Prefectural Board of Education in November 2019.

Sustainable Consortium 2030 - for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Food

The "Abundance Circle 2030 Project: Sustainability in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" is a project launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Consumer Affairs Agency, and the Ministry of the Environment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 and to create a future in which people can live prosperously not only now but also for future generations . As a company in the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industry, we have participated in this project to deepen sustainability initiatives throughout the industry.

Health and Productivity Management

Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization(Large organizations)

The Certification System for Excellent Corporations for Health and Productivity Management is a system that recognizes large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses, and other corporations that implement particularly excellent health and productivity management as "corporations that consider employee health and productivity management from a managerial perspective and engage in it strategically," based on initiatives that meet local health issues and health promotion efforts promoted by the Japan Health Council.
We regard its employees as its most important asset and is committed to health and productivity management . We have been certified for four consecutive years in recognition of its ongoing efforts in exercise (walking campaigns, online stretching), working hour management, and non-smoking policies (removal of smoking areas from office buildings, no smoking during working hours).(Certification period: March 11,2024 - March 31,2025)

  • *The Japan Health Council is an organization organized by the private sector with the full support of the government to carry out effective activities for the extension of healthy life expectancy and proper medical care for each and every citizen in Japan, where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging rapidly.
  • *FEED ONE's health and productivity management initiatives can be found here.

Yokohama Health and Productivity Management Certification 2024

The Yokohama Health and Productivity Management Certification System is a system under which Yokohama City certifies business sites that engage in health management in order to widely promote the concept of "health and productivity management," in which efforts to maintain and promote the health of employees and others are considered from a management perspective and strategically implemented, based on the understanding that such efforts are investments that will increase corporate profits in the future. There are three certification classes (Class A, AA, and AAA), and Yokohama Health and Productivity Management Certification 2021 certified as Class AA. We have been certified as Class AAA since 2022.(Certification period: April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026)

Kanagawa Medical Treatment and Work Balance Promotion Company

Kanagawa Prefecture certifies companies that have established leave and work systems that contribute to balancing treatment and work so that employees who need cancer treatment can continue their treatment while working. We consider its employees to be its most important asset, and has established a system that allows employees to balance work and medical treatment with peace of mind in the unlikely event that medical treatment becomes necessary. There are three certification classes (standard, gold, and platinum), and we received platinum certification on February 1, 2023.