Sustainability Data

Various data on sustainability activities are available to the public.

Organizational Governance

Data Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
External Directors 3 4 4 5 5
Ratio of
female Directors
and Auditors
Inside Directors 0%
(0 out of 5)
(0 out of 5)
(0 out of 5)
(0 out of 5)
(0 out of 4)
External Directors 33.3%
(1 out of 3)
(1 out of 4)
(1 out of 4)
(1 out of 5)
(1 out of 5)
Auditor 0%
(0 out of 3)
(0 out of 3)
(0 out of 3)
(0 out of 3)
(0 out of 3)

Human Rights

Data Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of participants in training on Compliance and Human Rights issues
in the workplace*1
604 619 615 649 653
  • *1Total number of participants in trainings organized by our Human Resources Division

Safety and Health

Data Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of people trained in Safety and Health*1 25 17 78 72 29
  • *1Held for factory workers in addition to new hires for the fiscal year ending March 2022

Labor Practice

Data Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of employees*1 514 529 525 513 514
Number of temporary employees*2 57 54 55 53 61
Number of participants in training
for capacity building and skill
improvement programs*3
291 229 541 1001 948
Domestic employee retention rate 97.1% 97.9% 96.2% 95.9% 96.9%
(Voluntary turnover of full-time employees) 2.9% 2.1% 3.8% 4.1% 3.1%
Ratio of female employees*4 18.5% 18.7% 19.7% 20.0% 20.5%
Ratio of female managers 1.6% 1.7% 1.1% 1.9% 2.2%
Ratio of female employees to
new graduates hired
32.0% 17.6% 40.00% 28.6% 40.9%
(8 out of 25) (3 out of 17) (8 out of 26) (4 out of 14) (9 out of 22)
Average number of leisure days 11.4days 11.2days 12.3days 14.0days 13.6days
Number of employees taking
childcare leave
Female:8 Male:0 Female:9 Male:0 Female:5 Male:1 Female:3 Male:7 Female:7 Male:11
  • *1Number of employees (excluding employees on secondment from the Company to outside companies and including employees on secondment from outside companies to the Company)
  • *2Average annual number of employees
  • *3Total number of participants in trainings organized by our Human Resources Division
  • *4 FEED ONE full-time employee base


Data Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
CO2 emissions*1
- 46,626 t-CO2*2 46,267 t-CO2*2 49,546 t-CO2*2 48,412 t-CO2*2
Scope1 - 16,393 t-CO2 17,353 t-CO2 20,684 t-CO2 19,046 t-CO2
Scope2 - 30,233 t-CO2 28,913 t-CO2 28,862 t-CO2 29,366 t-CO2
 Scope3 - 1,433,714 t-CO2*2 1,634,175 t-CO2*2 1,730,980 t-CO2*2 1,737,428 t-CO2*2
Category 1
[Purchased goods
and services]
- 1,391,146 t-CO2 1,611,030 t-CO2 1,712,159 t-CO2 1,717,291 t-CO2
Category 2
[Capital goods]
- 29,172 t-CO2 10,375 t-CO2 7,581 t-CO2 9,918 t-CO2
Category 3
[Fuel-and-energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2]
- 6,625 t-CO2 6,363 t-CO2 4,602 t-CO2 4,728 t-CO2
Category 5
[Waste generated
in operations]
- 953 t-CO2 1,047 t-CO2 950 t-CO2 944 t-CO2
Category 6
[Business travel]
- 71 t-CO2 78 t-CO2 104 t-CO2 162 t-CO2
Category 7
[Employee commuting]
- 336 t-CO2 359 t-CO2 346 t-CO2 346 t-CO2
Category 8
[Upstream leased assets]
- Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 10
[Processing of sold products]
- Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 11
[Use of sold products]
- Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 12
[End-of-life treatment of sold products]
- 854 t-CO2 842 t-CO2 862 t-CO2 897 t-CO2
Category 13
[Downstream leased assets]
- 4,558 t-CO2 4,081 t-CO2 4,375 t-CO2 3,142 t-CO2
Category 14
- Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 15
- Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Energy consumption*1
  Electricity consumption - 60,613,000kWh 59,297,000kWh 60,904,000kWh 61,120,000kWh
  Heavy oil consumption - 1,464 kL 1,470 kL 1,562 kL 1,603 kL
  City gas consumption - 4,527,000N㎥ 4,937,000N㎥ 6,336,000N㎥ 6,027,000N㎥
  Steam consumption
  (other companiessupply)
- 76,005 GJ 71,061 GJ 13,663 GJ 17,053 GJ
 Energy per ton of feed*3 - 336 GJ/t 333 GJ/t 324 GJ/t 282 (304) GJ/t*4
Other environmental data*1
  Water consumption - 257,962 ㎥ 256,213 ㎥ 302,087 ㎥ 300,428 ㎥
 Water consumption per ton of feed*3 - 53.65 ㎥/t 53.78 ㎥/t 65.80 ㎥/t 57.07 ㎥/t
  Amount of waste - 3,247 t 3,279 t 2,855 t 2,895 t
 Amount of waste per ton of feed*3 - 0.97 t/t 0.96 t/t 0.78 t/t 0.76 t/t
  • *1Food and farm subsidiaries (6 companies) were added to the scope of consolidated subsidiaries (feed manufacturing plants and food and farm subsidiaries) calculation.
  • *2Totals may not add up due to decimal points
  • *3Basic unit in feed manufacturing plants (excluding headquarters, laboratories, and food and farm subsidiaries)
  • *4Unit calorific value has been changed according to the revised Energy Conservation Law.

Promotion of Social Contribution Activities

Data Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of participants in food and nutrition seminars 135 0* 230 15 66
Number of schools where food and nutrition seminars were held 5 0* 2 1 3
Charity donations & food donations/number 1 2 4 4 4
Community contribution activity expenditure 1,529,660yen 11,121,845yen 696,714yen 2,139,244yen 2,492,501yen
Number of people participating in volunteer activities 28 0* 40 73 71
  • *Voluntary restraint of activities due to the new COVID-19 infection