Social Media Policy
Basic principle
- 1In operating social media, FEED ONE CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “FEED ONE”, “we”, “us” or “our”) will comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and internal rules established by FEED ONE, and will strive to disseminate information appropriately based on a full understanding of the characteristics of social media.
- 2FEED ONE consider social media to be an important communication forum with users of social media (“User(s)”).
- 3When using social media, we will always be aware of our responsibilities as a member of FEED ONE.
Basic stance on social media use
- 1FEED ONE will always strive to provide accurate and valuable information and avoid misleading representations.
- 2FEED ONE will not make comments that could be taken as criticism or slander of third parties, and we will not engage in speech or behavior that offends public order and morals, and we will be sincere in our responses as responsible members of society.
- 3If any inappropriate information is sent out, FEED ONE will promptly apologize and make corrections.
- 4FEED ONE will take all due care to protect your privacy and copyrights.
- 5FEED ONE will check the "Terms of Use" posted by each social media provider and use them within the scope of permission.
- 1Information sent out by FEED ONE’s employees and related parties on social media does not necessarily represent official announcements or views. While we pay careful attention to the information sent from the Official Accounts, please check our website and news releases for official announcements and views. In addition, content and comments posted by users do not reflect the opinions or ideas of the Company, its employees, or its affiliates.
- 2FEED ONE makes no guarantees with regard to the accuracy or completeness of any information that is posted to the Official Accounts by FEED ONE, or any of its employees.
- 3FEED ONE assumes no liability under any circumstances for any content that is submitted by the User.
- 4FEED ONE will not be liable for any damages incurred by users or third parties as a result of matters related to the Official Account.
- 5FEED ONE shall not be liable for any trouble or dispute that may arise between users or between users and third parties in relation to the Official Account. In the event that a User causes damage to a third party in connection with the use of the Official Account, the User shall compensate for such damage or settle any dispute with such third party at the User's own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any trouble to the Company.
- 6The User shall be deemed to have granted FEED ONE access to his or her account or profile information that has been made available to the public, including his or her name and other profile information, profile photos, gender, network, user ID, and friend lists.
- 7FEED ONE reserves the right, without any prior notice to the User, to delete any information, content, etc. that he or she has submitted to the Official Account Pages, block him or her from accessing or submitting content to any of the Official Accounts, or take other actions as necessary.
- 8FEED ONE reserves the right to terminate, interrupt, or discontinue the operation of any of its Official Accounts without any prior notice. In addition, we assume no liability under any circumstances for any damages that may be incurred as a result of changing or making addition to the details of any of the Official Accounts, or terminating, interrupting or discontinuing the services thereunder.
- 9FEED ONE are under no obligation to reply to all comments on the Official Accounts.
- 10FEED ONE do not manage the receipt of comments or direct mail to the Official Account, and we will not respond to any inquiries regarding comments or direct mail posted by users.
Prohibited Acts
When using the Official Account Pages, the User is strictly prohibited from engaging in any of the acts described below.
- 1Postings for the purpose of criminal undertakings or to induce such criminal undertakings
- 2Political activities, electioneering, religious activities
- 3Postings such as follows containing inappropriate content including expressions (including similar expressions)
- Containing obscene expressions
- Containing discriminatory expressions
- Problematic in terms of ethical viewpoints
- Making public private correspondence of FEED ONE or another third party
- Anything that other users find offensive
- Containing false content or misleading expressions
- Identifying or making public personal information without the permission of the individual involved
- Content that is commercial in nature, and is intended as advertisement, publicity, affiliate marketing, solicitation, etc.
- Content that FEED ONE deems may possibly disturb the peace and order of any of the Official Accounts
- 4Postings with content slandering a specific individual, company, country, or region
- 5Actions contravening laws or public order and moral decency
- 6Impersonation of another person or entity, including FEED ONE
- 7Any for-profit activities conducted through or in connection with an Official Account without FEED ONE's approval
- 8Duplication, sale, or publishing of information obtained via social media, or other actions beyond the sphere of personal use
- 9Actions that infringe or have the potential to infringe the copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, privacy or other rights of other users, third parties, or FEED ONE
- 10Preventing other Users from using or accessing all or part of the services provided by FEED ONE
- 11Causing others to mistakenly believe that the User has an affiliation or partnership in a certain way with no supporting evidence, or misleading others to believe that a site that is linked to the Official Account Pages is recognized, guaranteed, supported or recommended by FEED ONE, or any other third parties
- 12Creating links between frames, or creating links in a way that causes the clarity of the Official Account Pages to be diminished
- 13Spamming
- 14Posting or sending malicious computer programs
- 15Actions interfering with the management of this social media, or actions that may result in hindering the management of this social media
- 16Actions contravening the Terms of Use of the social media being utilized
- 17Other actions that FEED ONE judges to be inappropriate
Treatment of Intellectual Property
The User owns the copyright (including the author’s moral rights; the same shall apply hereunder) to any content that he or she submits to any of the Official Accounts, provided, however, that the User shall grant FEED ONE royalty-free and nonexclusive worldwide rights to use the content (including processing, citation, duplication, public disclosure, and translation thereof), and shall not exercise his or her copyright or other intellectual property rights against FEED ONE.
The User shall not use any information provided through the Official Accounts without the permission of the rights holder, beyond the scope of private copying by the individual user as permitted by the Copyright Law and other uses not restricted by the Copyright Law and any other applicable laws and regulations. Any use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
In the event of any disputes, controversies or troubles arising from a breach of these Terms of Use with the rights holder or any third party, the User shall resolve such disputes, controversies or troubles at his or her own responsibility and expense.
Personal Information
FEED ONE manage the personal information of the User that we collect using the proper methods in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Guidelines of FEED ONE.
We have no intention of collecting any personal information through the Official Account Pages, and do not manage or collect the name, profile photos, gender, network, user ID, friends list, etc. of any individual who registers as a User on these pages other than access to an account or profile information of the User that has been made available to the public.
Forward-Looking Statements
The information that is posted to the Official Accounts by FEED ONE, or any of its employees, may contain forward-looking statements from time to time. Any forward-looking statements are based on the assumptions, judgments, expectations and views that are formed by the information that FEED ONE or its employees possessed on the day of posting such statements. These forward-looking statements are susceptible to the uncertainty that is inherent to the said judgments and assumptions, as well as subsequent changes in circumstances, both domestic and international, and as a result actual future events may prove to be materially different from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. In addition, such forward-looking statements are not presented with the intention of making any recommendation of specific investments, such as our company stock, to the User. Therefore, the User is cautioned not to place undue reliance on such information when making investment decisions.
FEED ONE may hold the User liable for the damages that it has suffered as a result of his or her failure to comply with these Terms of Use, and the User agrees to promptly indemnify FEED ONE for such damages in their entirety.
Changes to this Social Media Policy
FEED ONE may change this Social Media Policy at any time without notice. In such cases, the revised Social Media Policy will become effective when it is posted and displayed on this page. Please read the latest version of this Social Media Policy posted on this page when using the Official Accounts.
Applicable Laws
These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
Inquiries about the Official Account
For inquiries regarding the Official Account, please contact us at the following address.