Health and Productivity Management
Occupational Safety and Health

Contribution to the SDGs

We regard our employees as our most important asset and are committed to h health and productivity management.

We aim to improve labor productivity by maintaining and improving employee health, and to become a company that is easy to work for while growing sustainably.

We promote the creation of a workplace free of industrial accidents and a safe and comfortable
working environment.

We will implement various measures to prevent accidents and create workplaces and environments with the aim of realizing a comfortable work environment where employees and others involved in our business can work safely and with peace of mind.

Declaration of Health and Productivity Management

We recognize that our employees are our most important asset, we will take the following actions to improve the mental and physical health of each employee and to continue to be a vibrant company.

  • We actively support employees' efforts to independently maintain and promote their own health.
  • We will work to create a comfortable work environment in which each employee can maximize his or her abilities.
  • We promote health and productivity management supported by the organization so that employees can return home to their precious families with a smile.
  • We aim to improve the vitality and productivity of our employees by instilling a "culture of valuing health”.


The General Manager of the Administration Division, headed by the President, is the chief health and productivity management officer. In addition, the health and productivity management Promotion Secretariat, including industrial physicians and public health nurses, as well as the Health Committee established at each workplace, serve as health and productivity management promoters, promoting efforts to maintain and enhance workplace safety and employee health.


Health and Productivity Management KPI

The following health and productivity management KPIs will be monitored at regular intervals as indicators of our health and productivity management. In addition, we are promoting health and productivity management with the following goals by the end of FY2026, the final year of our mid-term management plan. In addition to items that perform worse than the national average, we use KPIs as indicators that allow us to understand the working environment and conditions of our employees.

Data Item Targets by FY2026 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Smoking rate 18% or less 26.7% 26.3% 22.4% 22.2%
Percent of persons of appropriate weight (BMI 18.5 to <25) 70% or more 60.5% 60.6% 62.6% 64.1%
Percentage of employees having a health examination 100% 99.8% 100.0% 99.8% 100%
Percentage of employees having a further examination or in-depth examination*1 100% - 59.3%
(45 out of 76)
(83 out of 42)
(57 out of 100)
Percentage of employees having stress checks 100% 96.7% 96.7% 99.3% 97.7%
Percentage of employees identified as having high stress levels 10% or less 11.9% 12.2% 14.4% 14.2%
Percentage of employees working 60 or more hours of overtime per month 0 17 4 2 10
Percentage of non-managerial staff among the above 0 4 1 0 4
Average monthly statutory working hours 10hours or less 9.2hours 8.4hours 8.4hours 8.9 hours
Percentage of non-managerial staff among the
10hours or less 6.5hours 6.0hours 5.9hours 6.4hours
Average number of days of annual paid leave
16days or more 11.2days 12.3days 14.0days 13.6days
  1. *1Number of employees who had their medical examinations reexamined/Percentage of employees who were recommended to undergo medical examinations at the direction of an occupational physician


Use of health and productivity management apps
Using the "WellGo" smartphone app, we are creating a system that allows employees to live their lives with an awareness of their own health. WellGo provides health and productivity management services such as recording daily life logs of weight, blood pressure, diet, etc., distributing health quizzes, checking health checkup results, and viewing in-house step count rankings.
In addition, employees can accumulate points by using WellGo's functions, giving them the enjoyment of accumulating points and creating an ongoing awareness of their health. Accumulated points can be exchanged for Group Companies products and other items.
We invests approximately 2 million yen annually in this policy to promote the maintenance and promotion of employee health.
Walking campaign
We have a higher percentage of employees with a BMI of 25 or higher than the national average, and we are promoting efforts to establish exercise habits to protect the future health of our employees. Utilizing the "WellGo" smartphone application, a walking campaign is held twice a year to encourage people to walk at least 8,000 steps per day and more than usual, with a satisfaction rate of 98.7%.

Employee Health Care

Smoking countermeasures
As a measure against passive smoking, smoking areas in business facilities have been removed and smoking is prohibited during working hours. As a measure to reduce the smoking rate, we provide cost subsidies to smokers who complete outpatient smoking cessation visits.
Working Hour Initiatives
We are working to reform the way we work, including a monthly no-overtime day and hourly paid leave that can be taken in increments of hours. In addition, regardless of the legally mandated overtime work hours, we conduct interviews with industrial physicians and public health nurses upon request.
Health Examination and Cancer Screening
In order to ensure early detection and early treatment of illnesses, we have established health checkup items that exceed those required by law and conduct health checkups for all employees. In addition, each employee whose health checkup results indicate that he or she needs to be reexamined is recommended to undergo a second examination.
  • Provide specific health guidance to employees 40 years of age and older
  • Subsidies for breast cancer screening (mammography and echography) and uterine cancer screening for female employees 30 years of age and older
  • Cancer screenings (prostate cancer (PSA), breast cancer (age 35 and over 40), cervical cancer) at company expense
  • Provide generous physical examinations to employees 40 years and older
Mental Health
As a mental health measure, we conduct stress checks for all employees so that they can understand their own stress condition. After stress checks are conducted, management training is provided to improve the workplace environment based on the results of group analysis. In addition, we have established a consultation service where employees and their families can freely consult with us on any matter without the company's knowledge.
Work-Life Balance
We believe that in order to fully demonstrate our abilities at work, it is also important to have a fulfilling personal life. As part of our efforts to create an environment in which it is easy to take paid leave, we have a five consecutive leave system and an anniversary leave system, event leave system.
We also have a staggered work schedule, a telecommuting system, a pair transfer system that allows in-house married couples to transfer together to the same work area, and a life event system that exempts employees from relocation for a certain period of time to accommodate diverse and flexible work styles.
Infection Control Measures
We subsidize the cost of influenza vaccinations for employees and their dependents. For children, the cost of the second vaccination is also subsidized.
Cooperation with industrial physicians and public health nurses
In promoting health and productivity management, we are also strengthening cooperation with industrial physicians and public health nurses. In addition to conducting interviews during overtime hours that are shorter than legally mandated, the company provides advice on health and productivity management measures, conducts regular interviews with employees on leave and after returning to work, distributes a health column by public health nurses, and publishes comments in the company newsletter issued once a quarter.
Cooperation with Health Insurance Associations
We are working with health insurance associations to improve the numbers and implementation rates of smoking cessation support and specific health guidance, which are available free of charge to insured persons.
Information Sharing and Consultation with Labor Unions
Well-being meetings are held once a month between company and labor union representatives. In addition to health and productivity management measures, we have a system in place to discuss and share information on the status of overtime work and improvements to the workplace environment, and to listen to employees' opinions.
Improved Health Literacy
To improve health literacy, all employees are trained through e-learning. We also distribute seasonal health-related information and have introduced an application that allows users to record their weight, blood pressure, diet, and number of steps taken.
Promote Physical Activity and Communication
With the aim of stimulating communication among employees, improving their health, and expanding their knowledge and knowledge, we subsidize the activity fees of in-house clubs that engage in sports, culture, and the arts.
Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map
In July 2022, we have created a strategic map with the ultimate goal of improving the physical and mental health of each and every employee and remaining a vibrant company. We believe it is important for our employees to be in good health and to be able to work with vitality. Therefore, we have incorporated this idea into our strategic map, which includes indicators related to physical and mental health, as well as indicators that are linked to diverse work styles and job satisfaction.

Actual Values of Indicators Related to Health and Productivity Management

Indicators Regarding the Status of Health Investment Policy Initiatives
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Walking campaign participation (participation rate) - 163
Jun.: 194
Nov.: 273
May: 236
Oct.: 216
Participation in measures for those at high health risk* (e.g., health guidance implementation rate) - 30.3%
(10 out of 33)
(29 out of 38)
(28 out of 37)
  1. *Persons at high health risk are those with (1) HbA1c of 6.5% or higher (2) systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 100 nnHg or higher, based on the Health and Productivity Management Assessment Index. Including those under treatment. Those under treatment may be self-managed.
Indicators Related to Changes in Employee Awareness and Behavior
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Turnover Rate 2.1% 3.8% 4.1% 3.1%
Percentage of exercisers (those who exercise at least twice a week for at least 30 minutes each time) 22.9% 26.1% 31.2% 31.9%
Percentage of respondents who are "well rested through sleep." 71.2% 72.3% 68.8% 69.2%
Management rate (treatment retention rate) for those at high health risk*. - 61.1%
(22 out of 36)
(21 out of 33)
(35 out of 37)
Percentage taking e-learning courses on health 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of new employees who have taken stress management training (persons) 17 26 14 22
Number of department members who participated in care training (persons) - 17 19 29
Number of participants in stress check training (persons) - 30 35 29
Number of health seminars conducted by public health nurses, etc. - 1 1 5
Number of participants in measures related to men's and women's health issues(persons) - - - 39
  1. *Percentage of those at high health risk who continue to be treated in the following year.
Final health-related target indicators
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of persons measured/ response rate
- - 79.3%
Absenteeism (number of people on leave)
Number of persons measured/ response rate
Absenteeism (days of leave)*2
Number of persons measured/ response rate
Work Engagement*3
Number of persons measured/ response rate
- - 2.67
Percentage of people who like Feed One, co., ltd.*4
Number of persons measured/ response rate
- - - 85.9%
Percentage of people who would like to continue working at Feed One, co., ltd.*4
Number of persons measured/ response rate
- - - 85.0%
Percentage of people who find their job rewarding*4
Number of persons measured/ response rate
- - - 77.9%
  1. *1Presenteeism: SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Question, University of Tokyo 1-item version)
  2. *2Absenteeism: Average number of days of leave taken by all employees due to personal injury or illness
  3. *3Work Engagement: Utrecht Work Engagement Scale Question 17 Edition
  4. *4Our own engagement survey.

Employee Occupational Health and Safety

Workplace Accident Response
We strive to prevent industrial accidents so that our employees can work safely and with peace of mind. When an workplace accident or injury occurs, we confirm the circumstances of the accident or injury that occurred and work to prevent recurrence.
Response to earthquakes
We have business sites throughout Japan, and we believe that responding to earthquakes that occur in various regions is important to ensure the safety of our employees and their families. In the event of an earthquake of intensity 5 or lower on the Japanese seismic intensity scale or higher, we have a system in place that automatically sends out safety confirmation e-mails to employees residing in the area to promptly confirm their status.
Performance Indicators for Occupational Health and Safety
  Targets FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of work-related accidents 0 3 4 3 5
Number of commuting accidents 0 1 3 1 2