Site Policy
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Content (text, diagrams, images, photos) on this website may be hard-copied solely for the non-commercial, internal use of your organization if the copyright notice of FEED ONE CO., LTD. is displayed and there is no indication that copying is prohibited. Except for the above, this website does not grant any rights based on copyright, patent rights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights. However, for each content, if the usage conditions are indicated separately, or if links to that information are provided, the corresponding conditions will be applied.
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We do not guarantee the texts and contents of this website. We are not responsible for any errors in the text on this website. Also, please be aware that the content of the text on this website is subject to change without notice.
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The products and the services provided in this website are available only in Japan.
For each content, if the country, where provides the products/services on this website, is mentioned separately, or if links to that information are provided, the corresponding information will be applied.
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The information posted on this website is information at the time of posting. Please note that it is subject to change after it is posted.
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Law of jurisdiction
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Enquiries about terms of use of the site
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